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Introduction: Get the most out of your employees including working as a team


The definition of a team is a group of individuals who clearly know what is expected of them both individually and as a whole.  They know the objectives and have a common goal while working interdependently.  To have the best team, however, you also need to get the most out of the individuals.  You can get the most out of your employees by learning how to best manage them.  Once you get the most out of each individual, a strong team will start to develop with respect and purpose.  You do this by giving them clear expectations, motivating them to hit those goals, recognizing the good work done, evaluate their performance and if they did a good job, rewarding them with a merit increase or other meaningful awards.


Great managers need to make people function in a collaborative fashion.  This can be quite a challenge when you have so many different personalities to manage.  You need to mold them to think as a team, and motivate them to exceed the level of performance they normally would under another manager who’s not of your caliber (after all, the skills you are developing will separate you from the rest).  Your employees will recognize your managerial and leadership capabilities and you will be respected.


In this lesson we will give you the necessary tools to build strong and motivated individuals, who will in turn work as a great team.  Putting these tools into effect will not only benefit your department, but also the company as a whole.

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Master Certificate of Competion in Business Management
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Lesson 3 - Introduction Video