Lesson Summary

  • You got to take the good with the bad.  Setting up a department, hiring great employees, and motivating and rewarding are the positive parts of management.  Unfortunately, you have to be prepared to deal with the negative side as well.


  • Always be ethical, legal, caring and compassionate.  These traits will keep you out of trouble.  You should try to inspire your staff to act the same way.


  • Know how to determine and deal with conflict as soon as possible.  Use both knowledge obtained and common sense to work out the issues with the individuals.  Know the severity of the conflict, as you might need to get HR involved.


  • Conflict and difficult employee situations differ from poor job performance and attendance issues.  You need to approach the conflict and difficult employees on an individual case basis.  Nonetheless, you need to always document every infraction.


  • Although firing an employee is not the most pleasant thing to do, when necessary, it is the right thing to do.  When you know that you have done everything you could to help the individual, followed HR guidelines, and gave verbal and written warnings with absolute clear expectations, you can feel justified and confident in your decision.  Besides, your department is counting on you to deal with the major problem.  Many times it is actually the best thing for the employee as well.


  • Don’t hesitate if you have to deal with a violent employee.  Get security, or even call the police, if anyone, including the violent employee, is in immediate danger.


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Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Lesson 5 - Conclusion Video

Lesson 5 Conflict Management Video, Slideshow Presentation, and Summary.