Lesson Summary

  • A sign of a good leader is how they are able to delegate.  You need to get the work done through others.  Don’t feel like you are passing the buck.  This is expected of you as a Manager.  It is vital that you let your staff take on most of the tasks, projects, etc.  You get power when you give power.  You need to set clear goals and expectations of the delegated project, and know when a task or project is considered complete.  If you can answer yes to these next three questions, you should always try to delegate: 


    • Can this project or task be delegated?
    • Should it be delegated?
    • Do you have enough time to delegate the job effectively?


  • Make multitasking more of a game rather than a burden.  Chart the tasks out on a whiteboard along with its importance.  Separate the tasks into three groups:  Group 1 needs to be done as soon as possible, Group 2 to be completed in the next couple of days, and Group 3 completed in the next week or month (just do not forget about them).


  • Although stress cannot be avoided and you cannot always control what happens, your reaction to stress can make the difference on how it affects you.  Know your trigger points and hot spots, always stay positive and in control, and implement de-stressing techniques when stress is building, such as deep breathing, taking a walk, or delegating.  You should also keep an eye on your employees to make sure they are not stressed.  The less stressed they are, the less stressed you will be. 


  • Always look at ways to utilize your time more effectively.  Time management is key to keeping all on your plate under control.  Delegate whenever possible, try to stick to the agenda during meetings, get to work a little early to address all e-mails and pressing issues, be more organized, go over reports at lunch or even on a plane, and always focus on ways to work smarter, not harder.  If a time consuming daily or weekly task is really not needed, eliminate it.


  • Problem solving and making decisions is one of the most important aspects of management.  You should not make quick decisions with uncertainty; however, you should not let problems or needs accumulate for too long before deciding what to do next.  Get others involved to help brainstorm.  Find out the, who, what, when, where, how and why reasons the problem or need exists.  Chart out all of the alternatives, stick to your choice with confidence, and implement the plan as soon as possible.  Monitor the results until you are satisfied all is fixed, or meets your expectations.


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Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
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Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Lesson 6 - Conclusion Video

Lesson 6 Analytical Management Video, Slideshow Presentation, and Summary.