Lesson Summary

  • Business writing is an essential part of management.  You will be creating processes and procedures as well as constantly creating and responding to e-mail.  When it is an informal subject, most likely through e-mail, write like you are talking to the person.  When it is a formal subject, like an important process, keep it formal.  A good idea is to have someone who you trust and understands the tasks at hand to review the process before you send it out to everyone.  Know what type of information you will convey, think about what you want them to hear, what you are going to say, who will be the recipients of the information, create the written form of communication, and finally proofread and edit before you send it out.


  • The way you verbally communicate with your employees, co-managers, your boss, upper-management and customers, can make you or break you.  This goes for face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and even hallway chats.  How you handle yourself during these types of conversations is how you are looked at as a manager and leader.  Being easily accessible and willing to talk to your employees about subjects related to work and home, with professionalism and compassion, is key. 


  • Part of being a manager is holding and participating in meetings.  This is the best way you can get your point across and share visions and goals.  You need to be fully prepared, or else it can be a waste of time.  It is also important to determine if a meeting is really necessary.  Sometimes a quick memo or conference call could suffice.  Keep the meeting interesting and make sure you get them to listen to you.  It is suggested that you have daily or weekly meetings with key staff members, and weekly or monthly meetings with your whole staff.  Try not to go over the scheduled time and stick to the agenda.


  • When giving presentations, you are presenting yourself as well as the subject at hand.  Even though you might know what you are talking about, the impression and perception you leave with a poor presentation will question your managerial capabilities.  Successful presenters are fully prepared and rehearse the main topics, but not word-for-word.  Create the right flow, know how much time you have, and know when to end.  Knowing PowerPoint and how to use a projector is strongly suggested.


  • Change is inevitable, and the sooner you can accept and embrace the change, the sooner your employees will as well.  People resist change because they do not know, or have a lack of knowledge, on what’s coming ahead.  If you have constant clear communication throughout the change process, you will relieve any anxiety amongst your employees.  Know the times when you should talk to them verbally, in writing, or both.  Also know when to talk to them as a group, individually, or both.
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Master Certificate of Competion in Business Management
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management CourseMaster Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Master Certificate in Business Management - Online Management Course
Lesson 7 - Conclusion Video

Lesson 7 Communications Management Video, Slideshow Presentation, and Summary.