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Step 1 - Determine your part in the company's Goals and Objectives


A company needs to always think strategically and be focused on the future in order to succeed.  Goals and objectives could be a new product or service the company wants to produce or provide, targeting the markets through research analysis that best suit the company’s product line, raising capital based on financial projections through potential sales and earnings, or increase customer satisfaction through its operational strategies.


Once the plan is fully in place, the pieces of the puzzle need to be put together.  Anytime a plan has been established, the information to the entire company usually flows something like this:


1.      The company’s goals and objectives will be filtered down to all department managers, most likely while in meetings with upper management.


2.      Department managers will take their part of the plan and fully understand the goals and objectives. 


3.      A timeline to achieve these goals would need to be put into place. 


4.      The department manager will create the projects and tasks associated with the plan and clearly state the goals and objectives to their employees.  Training is given and processes are created.


5.      The project is monitored to ensure quality and maintain focus.


6.      The manager reacts to any problem with the process as soon as possible.


7.      Status reports and updates are given to upper management.


Sounds simple, but without careful planning it can get muddled, confusing, and unorganized.  The most important aspect of the plan is to be able to clearly translate it throughout the company. 


Once your managerial responsibilities of the plan have been determined, you must clearly translate the goals and objectives to your staff along with a timeframe.  You need to tell them why the goals are important and what they mean to the company. There should never be a reason why your staff does not know the reasons and goals of each project that comes their way. 


You need to develop processes and procedures that are easy to follow and make sure everyone is trained.  It is up to you to direct them toward objectives, monitor their progress and react when necessary. You need to be able to show upper management the progress being made by reporting stats, survey results, and any other relevant data. 


Remember, when dealing with upper management, “It is better to under promise, and over deliver.”  Most managers do the opposite.  Always remember this simple phrase whenever you feel a project that comes your way is bigger than what it first appears to be.

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